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Sidney Alexander Hever

Edward's Fireman.

Age (in 1955): 37.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Pan

Close Friend: Harry

Partner: Charlie

Appearance Description

He has redish brown hair, neatly swept to the side, and dark green eyes. He has a similar skin tone to Charlie, pale with a pinkish hue.

His uniform, has a standard coating of soot for a fireman, if a little more dusty due to frequenting the yard. It usually smells lightly of cigerettes.

His everyday outfit is a pale blue shirt, and a brown coat with a fleecy inside. Along side plain light blue jeans.


Sidney is from Kirkby, Mainland. His family moved to Sodor when he was 10, if you ask him where he's from he'll say Dryaw.

He moved to Tidmouth at 18 to work in the yards there, before being moved up to fireman in 1949, and being taken on as Edwards fireman. He very quickly got accepted as part of their crew.

He later on met Harry in 56' and helped him fend off some nasty trucks, and they both quickly became very close friends.

Quick Facts!

  • Sidney is a writer, and often writes about events on the railway. He actually gave some of his notes and short stories to the thin clergymen when he needed reference for his book series.
  • He adores cats. in the 60s he and Charlie rescue a small orange stray, which they named Eddie.
  • Due to how well he works with Edward, Sidney got a large raise to stay working with him, rather then being promoted to Driver. Which he though was just fine.